We understand that flour base food is a staple of our everyday food, from burgers, pizzas, bread, and desserts. You can’t keep eating the same way if your priority is weight loss and burning off belly fat.

But have you heard about organic low-calorie flour? There is a high chance that you can lose weight fast by incorporating organic flour into your diet. Before diving into this high-fiber, high in plant-based protein and nutrient-rich organic flour, let’s quickly look at what organic flour is.

Organic flour is grown and processed according to specific standards, which prohibit the use of synthetic pest control and artificial fertilizers. The flour cannot come into contact with other non-organic foods. Detailed sanitation, storage, and packaging rules ensure that growers’ and processors’ requirements are met.


Best Organic Flours for Weight Loss

Organic Almond Meal

Almond meal is made from whole almonds with the skin still intact. It’s slightly coarser than almond flour and has a more robust nutty flavor. Almond Meal is high in plant-based protein, rich in nutrients, and contains vitamin E and magnesium. It is best for a high-fiber diet. It’s gluten-free and an excellent alternative to wheat flour in baking and cooking. Almond meal is keto-friendly. It’s low-calorie and a source of healthy fats. 

An Almond meal is an excellent choice for making low-calorie bread, cake, cookies, and brownies and is an all-purpose flour substitute. Explore the world of almond meal desserts with Naked Foods recipes.

Organic Chickpea Flour

Chickpea flour, also known as gram, besan, or garbanzo bean flour, is a high-protein, high-fiber food. It can reduce the risk of coronary heart disease, obesity, and type 2 diabetes. Chickpea flour is also a fantastic anti-inflammatory food with protective benefits against cancer because of its high-fiber content. It helps decrease hunger by regulating the hunger hormone ghrelin, which controls feelings of fullness, leading to healthy weight loss.


Chickpea flour is gluten-free! It’s an excellent replacement for wheat flour and regular flour when making low-calorie pizza crust, falafel (meatballs), pancakes, crackers, and low-calorie bread.

Try these Naked Food recipes for high-protein, high-fiber food made with chickpea flour.

Organic Coconut Flour

Coconut flour is made from dried coconut meat. This flour is a healthy alternative to wheat flour and all-purpose flour, used by people with gluten allergies, low-carb diets, and people with iron deficiency. Coconut flour is higher in fat, protein, and fiber than wheat flour. Iron is the most abundant mineral in coconut flour. It’s better at promoting healthy blood sugar regulation, and vitamins and minerals, such as potassium and iron, are also better preserved when compared to regular flour. When trying to lose weight fast, coconut flour is considered one of the best substitutes.

Try substituting coconut flour in your baking. Best for creating cookies, loaf bread, pancakes, bagels, and more. Check out Naked Food’s recipes on coconut flour here.

Organic Buckwheat Flour

Buckwheat flour is naturally gluten-free, grain-free, and not the same as wheat flour. It is a pseudo-grain that is similar to herbs. Despite not being related to wheat, buckwheat flour has identical protein and starch levels to wheat flour.

Buckwheat is low carb than wheat or barley. It is free of saturated fat and cholesterol and rich in dietary fiber and protein, which helps suppresses food cravings. It helps people in weight loss and burn fat and is used to treat diabetes.

Buckwheat flour is an attractive addition to bread, cakes, and pancakes. You can use it to make burger buns and crackers. Try these recipes from Naked Foods for buckwheat flour here.

Organic Quinoa Flour

Quinoa flour is made by grinding the quinoa grains. It has a distinctive earthy, nutty flavor and is slightly yellow to creamy white. Quinoa has become a ‘superfood because of its excellent properties like being protein-rich with amino acid and lysine, high-fiber, and low glycemic index that will help lose weight fast.

Gluten-free, high in antioxidants, and perfect for boosting the immune system, this alternative is turning out to be an excellent choice for gluten-intolerant people.

As quinoa flour’s popularity grows as a wheat-free alternative to all-purpose and whole-wheat flour, more people are discovering that it can be used in recipes for cookies, bread, tortillas, and pasta. Not only does quinoa add nutritional value and texture to baked goods, but it can make them healthier. Here are some of the best Naked Foods recipes for Quinoa flour.

So why consider switching to Organic Flour?

In the end, using organic flour can lead to significant benefits in weight loss and fat burn, not to mention its abundant nutrients. Furthermore, it has gluten-free properties that can benefit several people on gluten-free diets for medical or other reasons. But perhaps one of the best reasons for using this flour is that some organic tastes better than their traditionally made counterparts. So why not give it a shot?

Disclaimer: The following sources and information can be found online at Science Daily, Healthline, Nourish by Web Med, and more.